The Middle Finger to @Jack and Twitter
I deleted my twitter account today. It’s probably not a big deal, a couple of hundred people will be following one less account, some tag games will have one less person taking part, and oh yeah, the suck up Trump followers will have one less person pointing out that they are idiots.
I suspect it’s getting into it with those people that got me soft banned for the third time or so. Soft bans are where your account is “limited”, mostly people don’t see your posts much and nobody can re-tweet you properly. Your account still exists, but you more of less don’t. Nobody sees what you tweet. Forget about it guys, Twitter can take a big walk off a short pier.
Interestingly, I am not just leaving because of a silly violation thing (I could have waited 12 hours and everything would be fine) but rather I left because I can no longer accept a site that soft bans me, but lets people like Mark Dice, Alex Jones, and “good Christian” Mike Huckabee mock, insult, lie, and endlessly bait and troll people on the site with impunity. While there is a big uproar about social media blocking conservative writers, let’s be fair: Many of them are aggressive liars and trolls, and deserve everything they get – and they should get more. There is no sane reason why any social media platform would have Alex Jones on it. Twitter protects him like a jewel and won’t do anything to block his nonsense, even when it gets way over the line. Huckabee? full time troll, you know where his daughter got it from. Mark Dice? Wow, what can be said about a guy who’s only goal in life is to piss of “libtards” and “retarded liberal” crybabies. Is this what we really mean by social media?
Of course, let’s not forget the Twit in chief, Donald Trump. He has threatened entire countries, called a woman a dog, and insulted and demeaned countless people on Twitter. They response is null. Blank. Nothing. Trump keeps using tweets to mislead the public, and Twitter keeps on smiling and not doing a thing to his account.
Sorry @Jack, but your site now sucks. While others like Facebook are at least making motions to clean up their cesspools of fake accounts and right wing propaganda, Twitter seems to be celebrating it, backing away from dealing with it and instead capitulating to the liar in the White House.
Can’t say I have any interest anymore. So sorry, you are gone. I have no reason to be social on a platform that itself forgot it’s manners.