Stuff Starting… New TV Season!
Fall is upon us. How can I tell? Well, besides the strange fact that September came and it started raining, well, because the new TV season is effecgively upon us!  While most of the networks won’t get around to putting too much new stuf on the air much before late this month, other things happen that will make most TV fans either smile or grimace, depending on your taste.
The single most important change for most people will be the syndicated re-run world. Most of us won’t admit it, but we have certain shows that we watch often as reruns. For some people Seinfeld, for others maybe Star Trek or CSI. These are shows that usually play every day at a set time. Well, the contracts on these shows usually run September to August, so starting tomorrow (and today in some places) the schedules all shift, stuff moves, and you are going to have to look around if you want to watch those friends repeats for the 27th time.
There is much more stuff, and I will have some posts and comments on stuff as it happens!