Robin Williams Cancels Shows
This one sort of caught me by surprise. Comedian and general energizer bunny Robin Williams has been hospitalized and had to cancel some shows from his current “Weapons of Self-Destruction” show, after becoming short of breath. Some news organizations such as AFP are suggesting he has heart issues.
I guess what sort of suprised me was seeing the pictures of Robin Williams, and wondering “when did he get old”? He has sort of had the same look and the same sort of age for a long time now. When I checked, I realized that he is in fact 57 years old! In some ways, it is amazing to think that someone beyond 40 would have the energy to do the type of performances that he gives. I can still remember seeing him for the first time in the show “Mork and Mindy”, throwing eggs into the air and shouting “Fly my friends, be free!’.