Kim Kardashian Broke The Internet So Lets Fix It
Last week, the #breaktheinternet hashtag was by far the most popular, as media whore (no other nice term applies) Kim Kardashian was pictured on the cover of Paper Magazine with her rather rotund behind uncovered for all to see. The image was so popular that it was said that it almost broke the internet. That this rather unimpressive sight even wounded the internet slightly is telling, and it means we need to do something bout it.
Let’s fix the internet.
The source of the problem here is a combination of a cult of personality (Kim and her ass) combined with social media – and more importantly the “star” and Hollywood style hype machines that pass click bait as news to try to get more ad views and make more money. I have in the past I have talked about 7 Ways Clickbait will Kill The Internet, and once again it’s TMZ and the Harvey hype machine that are leading the charge. On an average day, that site features at least one Kardashian story. If it’s not directly on TMZ, it’s on their sister sites like FishWrapper, which seem to have been created as a secondary click bait destination, with outrageous clickbait spread through the TMZ site to lead you to… images of the Kardashian Family’s latest insane publicity stunt, usually involving asses, cleavage, or other types of exposure.
Today’s class examples are “Did Nick Cannon Bang ALL of the Kardashian Sisters?!” and “Khloe Kardashian On Kim’s Ass For Title of Hottest Kardashian Ass”. They have also run repeated stories about the lips of a 17 year old member of the family who may or may not have had trout pout surgery. Yeah, deep stuff, right?
If the internet is broken, let’s fix it. The rules of the game are really simple: Stop falling for click bait. Stop visiting sites like TMZ. They are breaking the internet not with important information or relevant commentary, but rather with break, circuses, and Kardashian butt. #Ferguson should have broken the internet, not some attention whore’s butt crack.
Make a choice to stop falling for click bait – and fix the internet while doing it!