Author: WeirdHarold

Snakes on a Plane

Snakes on a Plane

I love this movie! I love the premise, which is pretty much as rediculous as the title suggests, and unlike most movies, the title tells you pretty much everything you need to know about...

Talking Politics is Fun

Talking Politics is Fun

Well, it’s is fun sometimes.  With the US midterm elections coming, and all sorts of bad things happening in the world, talking politics is pretty much standard water cooler stuff.  There is an online...


101 Zidane animations

Okay,I am not sure that it is 101 or anything, and the page can take some time to load, but here are a whole bunch of really funny and dump post world cup cutups...

I love cool site designs

I love cool site designs

This site is for an ad firm or something, some of the commercials (especially the asian ones) are pretty funny and all, but that really isn’t the important part.  I just love the design...

Futureshop Sucks

Futureshop Sucks

… or at least that is what this blog suggests. Futureshop sucks is all about the mega Canadian retailer (owned by Best Buy, that in a sneaky move to corner the market also runs...

Dumb Video from the world cup

Okay, I knew I would find it somewhere… here is the video of the France Captain flipping out and heading an Italian player into the ground.

Italy wins World Cup

Italy wins World Cup

Well, I enjoyed the final game.  I am not a huge fan or anything, but the final game was what I think it was suppose to be, a bunch of tense moments, good solid...

Now you know how a coke machine works.

Every so often the imagery wizards behind the computers want to inform you… make you understand a complicated and difficult system and make it clear to those of us who are a little less...

I love movies!

I love movies!

I really enjoy movies… I have always enjoyed the experience of being in a dark room with 300 or 400 strangers to watch a truly amazing film. I have seen some truly amazing movies,...

Dust Art

Dust Art

I can’t even begin to describe this one. Wait… give me a minute. Okay, it is nuts. This guy goes around looking for hatchback cars with dirty back windows… dusty, brown, and dry. He...

I can’t be on the jury, I am on drugs

I can’t be on the jury, I am on drugs

I know people have used some pretty weird excuses for getting out of jury duty, especially if it looks like the case could be a long one and make your life difficult. From religeous...